Kind: global class
Summary: This class allows you to manage the entire JavaScript E-Commerce Cart of WebSite X5.
For example, you can add, remove or update the products in the cart, get the total amount of an order and save it to the database.
Although the class has a contructor and can be instantiated by you, you may want to get the WSX5 global ecommerce instance stored in `x5engine.cart.manager`.
If you need more info about the ecommerce data structure, you should take a look to the x5cart.js
created by WebSite X5 and stored in the site's "cart" folder.
- ecommerce
- new ecommerce(settings)
- .formatCurrency(n, format, currency) ⇒
- .settings(newSetting) ⇒
- .form() ⇒
- .add(productid, quantity, option, suboption, forceQuantity) ⇒
- .remove(hash) ⇒
- .update(hash, quantity, option, suboption) ⇒
- .cart() ⇒
- .count(boolean) ⇒
- .category(categoryId) ⇒
- .store(productId) ⇒
- .shippings() ⇒
- .shippingsCount() ⇒
- .payments() ⇒
- .paymentsCount() ⇒
- .payment(id, save) ⇒
- .shipping(id, save) ⇒
- .userInvoiceData(data, save) ⇒
- .userShippingData(data, save) ⇒
- .vat() ⇒
- .fullPrice(includeVat) ⇒
- .price(includeVat) ⇒
- .paymentPrice(paymentid, includeVat, full) ⇒
- .paymentVat(paymentid, full) ⇒
- .goodsFullPrice(includeVat) ⇒
- .goodsPrice(includeVat) ⇒
- .goodsWeight() ⇒
- .goodsVat() ⇒
- .coupon(coupon, save, callback) ⇒
- .canApplyCoupon() ⇒
- .canSetOrder() ⇒
- .isSetUserData() ⇒
- .paymentHTML(options) ⇒
- .setOrder(callback) ⇒
- .orderNumber() ⇒
- .empty(save) ⇒
- .getStringifiedEncodedData() ⇒
- .getStringifiedFormData() ⇒
- .getStringifiedOrderData() ⇒
- .bind(event, callback) ⇒
- .unbind(event, callback) ⇒
- .restore(stringifiedEncodedData) ⇒
- .getLastOrderNumber() ⇒
- .clearLastOrderNumber() ⇒
new ecommerce(settings)
Instantiate a new E-Commerce manager passing half-a-ton of parameters.
Param | Type | Description |
settings | Object |
settings.indexpage | String |
The cart page url relative to the site base url |
settings.vat | Number |
The default VAT | | Boolean |
true to enable the coupons |
settings.vattype | String |
The type of VAT to use (none |
settings.currency | String |
The currency symbol |
settings.currency_id | String |
The currency ID |
settings.order_no_format | String |
How to format the order number |
settings.form_autocomplete | Boolean |
Save form data in a cookie? |
settings.form_validation | String |
How to validate the user data forms |
settings.showShipmentFields | Boolean |
Must the cart show the shipment fields? |
settings.continue_shopping_page | String |
The default continue shopping page |
settings.remove_from_cart_icon | String |
Icon used to remove the goods from the cart |
settings.add_to_cart_icon | String |
Icon used to add the goods to the cart |
settings.minimumAmount | Number |
Minimum order amount (goods only) |
settings.currencies | Array |
Currencies available for automatic conversion (not enabled yet) |
settings.cartCookie | String |
The name of the cookie used to store the order data |
settings.formCookie | String |
The name of the cookie used to store the user's form data |
settings.products | Object |
// Array of products in stock (see the product class) |
settings.shippings | Object |
// Array of available shippings (see the shipping class) |
settings.payments | Object |
// Array of available payments (see the payment class) |
var myEcommerce = new x5engine.cart.ecommerce({});
.formatCurrency(n, format, currency) ⇒ String
Format a number using the provided currency format.
The format parameter accepts the following chars:
- [C] to set the currency position
- @ to indicate a mandatory number in the decimal section
- # to indicate a optional number in the decimal or integer section
- The first comma or period is used to divide 10^3 groups
- The second comma or period is used to divide decimal part from the integer part
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: String
- The formatted string
Param | Type | Description |
n | Number |
The number to format |
format | String |
The format to be applied |
currency | String |
String to use as currency |
formatCurrency( 10.243, [C]#,###.@@, '€'); // Outputs €10.24
formatCurrency( 1210.243, [C]#,###.@@, '€'); // Outputs €1,210.24
formatCurrency( 1210.243, [C]#,###, '€'); // Outputs €1,210
.settings(newSetting) ⇒ Object
Provide the current cart settings
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
newSetting | Object |
JSON with the new settings |
.form() ⇒ Object
Provide the form fields set in the cart settings
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.add(productid, quantity, option, suboption, forceQuantity) ⇒ String
Add a product to the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: String
- The hash code useful to get/update/remove this product from the cart
Param | Type | Description |
productid | String |
The product id |
quantity | Number |
The product quantity |
option | String |
The option id |
suboption | Number |
The suboption id |
forceQuantity | Boolean |
If true, the set quantity is not added to the current one but it replaces the actual |
.remove(hash) ⇒ Boolean
Remove an element from the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Boolean
- True if the element was removed correctly
Param | Type | Description |
hash | String |
The hash id of the element in the cart |
.update(hash, quantity, option, suboption) ⇒ String
Update the quantity for a gived product
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: String
- The new hash of the product, useful to get/update/remove this product from the cart
Param | Type | Description |
hash | String |
The product hash |
quantity | Number |
The quantity |
option | String |
The option |
suboption | Number |
The suboption |
.cart() ⇒ Object
List the elements in the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.count(boolean) ⇒ Number
Return the number of goods in the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Description |
boolean | deep True to keep quantity of each product in account |
.category(categoryId) ⇒ Object
Return the products of a specified category.
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
categoryId | String |
The category id |
.store(productId) ⇒ Object
Provide the information about the products in the store or a single product in the store
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- The product data
Param | Type | Description |
productId | String |
The id of the searched product. Leave this empty to get the entire list of products. |
.shippings() ⇒ Object
Provide a list of the available shippings
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.shippingsCount() ⇒ Number
Provide the count of available shipping options
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.payments() ⇒ Object
Provide a list of the available payments
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.paymentsCount() ⇒ Number
Provide the count of available payment options
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.payment(id, save) ⇒ Object
Get or set the payment method
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- The current payment istance
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
The payment id |
save | Boolean |
True to save the cart |
.shipping(id, save) ⇒ Object
Set the shipping
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- The current shipping istance
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
The shipping id |
save | Boolean |
True to save the cart |
.userInvoiceData(data, save) ⇒ Object
Set the user invoice data
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- The invoice data
Param | Type | Description |
data | Object |
The invoice data |
save | Boolean |
True to save the cart |
.userShippingData(data, save) ⇒ Object
Set the user shipping data
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- The shipping data
Param | Type | Description |
data | Object |
The shipping data |
save | Boolean |
True to save the cart |
.vat() ⇒ Number
Provide the total VAT applied on the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.fullPrice(includeVat) ⇒ Number
Provide the total price of the order without discounts.
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
includeVat | Boolean |
True to include the VAT |
.price(includeVat) ⇒ Number
Provide the total price of the order.
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
includeVat | Boolean |
True to include the VAT |
.paymentPrice(paymentid, includeVat, full) ⇒ Number
Get the payment price basing on the current cart contents
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
paymentid | String |
The payment ID string |
includeVat | Boolean |
Include VAT or not? |
full | Boolean |
Full price or discounted |
.paymentVat(paymentid, full) ⇒ Number
Get the payment VAT basing on the current cart contents
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
paymentid | String |
full | Boolean |
Full price or discounted |
.goodsFullPrice(includeVat) ⇒ Number
Provide the total amount of the goods in the cart without discounts
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
includeVat | Boolean |
True to include the VAT |
.goodsPrice(includeVat) ⇒ Number
Provide the total amount of the goods in the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
includeVat | Boolean |
True to include the VAT |
.goodsWeight() ⇒ Number
Provide the total weight of the goods in the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.goodsVat() ⇒ Number
Provide the total VAT applied on the products
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.coupon(coupon, save, callback) ⇒ Boolean
Apply a coupon code
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
coupon | String |
The coupon code |
save | Boolean |
Set to true to save the cart after setting the value |
callback | function |
Execute this when the coupon is correctly loaded. It's called passing _coupon as parameter |
.canApplyCoupon() ⇒ Boolean
Return true if the user can apply a coupon on the current products in the cart or on the cart itself
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.canSetOrder() ⇒ Object
Provide info about the actual cart status.
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: Object
- { 'success': true|false, 'message': '' }
.isSetUserData() ⇒ Boolean
Return true in case the user data is correctly set
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.paymentHTML(options) ⇒ String
Get the payment HTML code.
Each keyword is replaced using the following rules:
- [PRICE] = The price formatted using the default format
- [PRICE, MULTIPLIER, FORMAT] = The price formatted with a custom multiplier and format
- [ORDER_NO] = The order number
- [ORDER_ENC_DATA] = The order encrypted data, useful to restore the order itself
- [UCASEKEYWORD] = The original keyword taken from the user's invoice data
- [SHIPPING_UCASEKEYWORD] = The original keyword taken from the user's shipping data
- [USE_SHIPPING_DATA] = Is replaced by "true" or "false" boolean value if the user has compiled or not the shipping form
The available keywords on the INVOICE and SHIPPING sections are:
Moreover, any custom field is added using a custom ID so you can just use its ID or its uppercased name in the keyword to replace it in the HTML code.
[NAME] // Will be replaced with the customer's name
[000000000] // This field ID will be replaced with the customer's custom field value
[CUSTOM FIELD NAME] // This uppercased field name will be replaced with the customer's custom field value
HTML Escaping
Each keyword can be replaced with the HTML escaped version of its value by placing HESCAPE_ before it.
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
options | Object |
The options |
[HESCAPE_PRICE] // Will be replaced with the HTML escaped price in the default format
##### URL Escaping
Each keyword can be replaced with the URL escaped version of its value by placing UESCAPE_ before it.
[UESCAPE_PRICE] // Will be replaced with the URL escaped price in the default format
.setOrder(callback) ⇒ void
Set the order
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: void
- The order number
Param | Type |
callback | function |
.orderNumber() ⇒ String
Provide the order number
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.empty(save) ⇒ void
Empty the cart
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
save | Boolean |
True to save the cart |
.getStringifiedEncodedData() ⇒ String
Encode the data of the cart, with order data and form data encoded to prevent privacy issues
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.getStringifiedFormData() ⇒ String
Stringify the saved form data
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.getStringifiedOrderData() ⇒ String
Get a JSON string of the data to be saved
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
.bind(event, callback) ⇒ void
Bind a callback on a cart event
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type |
event | String |
callback | function |
.unbind(event, callback) ⇒ void
Unbind a callback from a cart event
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type |
event | String |
callback | function |
.restore(stringifiedEncodedData) ⇒ Boolean
Restore the cart using the current data
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Param | Type | Description |
stringifiedEncodedData | String |
The encoded order string |
.getLastOrderNumber() ⇒ String
Get the last order number
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: String
- The last order made on the customer's PC or null
.clearLastOrderNumber() ⇒
Clear the last order number
Kind: instance method of ecommerce
Returns: void