Dynamically Update Fields Values and Storage

The OnValueChanged, OnSelectionChanged and OnMigration hooks can return an output that will be used to dynamically update fields values.

The output may be an Object structured as follows:

Property Type Description
updatesPreview Boolean Overrides the default behavior of preview update for the changed field. Note: OnValueChanged and OnSelectionChanged only
fields Object Contains all the fields to be updated. Each field may be specified using its name as property. The structure of the value is based on the field type.
stringStorage Object Contains all the strings to be saved into storage. Object keys will be used as storage keys. Object values represent the strings themselves. An existing key can be removed by setting its value to null.
fieldToStorage Object Contains all the fields to be saved into storage. Object keys will be used as storage keys. Object values represent field ids. An existing key can be removed by setting its value to null.
storageToField Object Contains all the fields to be recovered from storage. Object keys represent field ids. Object values represent storage keys.

Object properties will be processed in the order defined by this table. (i.e. if fieldToStorage and storageToField have the same key-field pair, only storage will change, field value will be recovered from storage as is)


function OnValueChanged() {
    return {
        "updatesPreview": true,
        "fields": {
            "name": {
                "value": "John"
        "stringStorage": {
            "key": "value"
        "fieldToStorage": {
            "key": "field-id"
        "storageToField": {
            "field-id": "storage-key"

Field Values Structures Examples


    "left": 1, //integer
    "right": 2, //integer
    "top": 3, //integer
    "bottom": 4 //integer


    "checked": true //boolean


    "valueR": 128, //integer
    "valueG": 128, //integer
    "valueB": 128, //integer
    "valueA": 128 //integer


    "topR": 128, //integer
    "topG": 128, //integer
    "topB": 128, //integer
    "topA": 128, //integer
    "bottomR": 32, //integer
    "bottomG": 64, //integer
    "bottomB": 128, //integer
    "bottomA": 256, //integer
    "leftR": 32, //integer
    "leftG": 32, //integer
    "leftB": 32, //integer
    "leftA": 256, //integer
    "rightR": 0, //integer
    "rightG": 0, //integer
    "rightB": 0, //integer
    "rightA": 0 //integer


    "width": 100, //integer
    "widthUnit": "Fixed", //"Fixed" or "Percent"
    "height": 50 //integer
    "value": "Option 1" //string


File fields cannot be updated using value key.


FileList fields cannot be updated using value key.


    "defaultFamily": true, //boolean
    "family": "Helvetica", //string
    "size": 10.5, //float
    "bold": true, //boolean
    "italic": false //boolean


ImageSelect fields cannot be updated using value key.

Link fields cannot be updated using value key.


    "top": 5, //integer
    "bottom": 5, //integer
    "left": 10, //integer
    "right": 10 //integer


    "value": 12.5 //decimal


    "topleft": 5, //integer
    "topright": 5, //integer
    "bottomleft": 5, //integer
    "bottomright": 5 //integer


Separator has no values.


    "active": true, //boolean
    "blur": 10, //integer
    "spread": 5, //integer
    "offsetX": 0, //integer
    "offsetY": 2, //integer
    "colorR": 32, //integer
    "colorG": 32, //integer
    "colorB": 32, //integer
    "colorA": 256 //integer


SiteNodes fields cannot be updated using value key.


    "list": [ //string array
    "keys": [ //string array
    "predefined": 1 //integer


    "value": "Hello world!" //string

Rich Text

This field can be dynamically updated with these constraints only:
- Image parameter node be false
- DisableFileLinks node must be true
- Font node must be false

    "RawHTML": "<b>Hello world!</b>", // string
    "RawCSS": "a { color: green; }", // string
    "Links": [ "<link data>", "<link data>" ], // string array
    "Headings": [ { "Id": 0, "Class": "", "Type": "H1" }, { "Id": 1, "Class": "", "Type": "H3" } ], // object array
    "DarkBackground": true, // boolean
    "AllowHTML": false // boolean