
Kind: global class
Summary: Provides a set of useful methods for managing the private area, the users and the accesses.
To use it, you must include x5engine.php in your code.

new imPrivateArea()

Create a new ImDb Object

.getInstance() ⇒ Imprivatearea

Get the instance of the private area

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Imprivatearea - The instance of a private area

.login($uname, $pwd) ⇒ Number

Login a user with username and password

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Number - An error code:
-5 if the user email is not validated,
-2 if the username or password are invalid,
-1 if there's a db error,
0 if the process exits correctly

Param Type Description
$uname String Username
$pwd String Password

.logout() ⇒ Void

Logout a user

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

.savePage() ⇒ Void

Save the current page as the referer

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

~~.who_is_logged() ⇒ Mixed~~


Use whoIsLogged instead

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

.whoIsLogged() ⇒ Mixed

Get an array of data about the logged user

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Mixed - An array containing the data of the current logged user or false if no user is logged.

.checkAccess($page) ⇒ Number

Check if the logged user can access to a specific page.
The page is provided using its page id.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Number - 0 if the current user can access the page,
-2 if the XSS security checks are not met
-3 if the user is not logged
-4 if the user is still not validated
-8 if the user cannot access the page

Param Type Description
$page Number The page id. You can retrieve the page id from the file x5settings.php.

.getLandingPage() ⇒ Mixed

Get the current user's landing page.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Mixed - The filename of the user's landing page or false if the user is not logged.

.messageFromStatusCode($code) ⇒ String

Convert a status code to a text message

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: String - The text message related to the provided error code

Param Type Description
$code Number The error code

.getUserByUsername($id) ⇒ Mixed

Get the data about a user.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Mixed - The user's data (As associative array) or null if the user is not found.
The associative array contains the following keys: id, ts, ip, username, password, realname, email, key, validated, groups

Param Type Description
$id String The username

.getUsersById($ids) ⇒ Array

Get the user data relative to a set of user ids.
This method is available only in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Array - An array of associative arrays containing the users' data.
The array keys are: id, ts, ip, username, password, realname, email, key, validated

Param Type Description
$ids Array The array of user ids.

.setDBData($host, $username, $password, $dbname, $dbtable) ⇒ Void

Setup the db connection.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type
$host String
$username String
$password String
$dbname String
$dbtable String

.validateWaitingUserById($dbid) ⇒ Bool

Validate the waiting users listed in $ids. It must be an array of DB ids.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type
$dbid Array

.validateWaitingUserByKey($keys, $login) ⇒ Booleal

Validate the waiting users listed in $keys. It must be an array of DB keys.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type Description
$keys Array
$login Boolean Automatically login the user if validation is succesful

.removeWaitingUsers($ts, $usersToKeep) ⇒ Void

Remove the remaining waiting users.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type Description
$ts String Remove only the users registered before this timestamp.
$usersToKeep Array Remove all the users but keep the ones listed in this array

.getKeyFromId($dbid) ⇒ String

Get the validation key of user $dbid.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: String - The validation key

Param Type
$dbid String

.createUsersTable() ⇒ Void

Create the users table if it doesn't exist
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

.registerNewUser($username, $password, $email, $validated) ⇒ Number

Register a new user in the database.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Number - the user's ID or the error number (-1: user already exists, -2: generic error)

Param Type
$username String
$password String
$email String
$validated String

.sendNotificationEmail($id) ⇒ Void

Notify the registration of a new user to the site's owner.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type Description
$id Number The user id

.sendValidationEmail($id) ⇒ Void

Send the validation email for the user indentified by $id.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea

Param Type
$id String

.sendLostPasswordEmail($data) ⇒ Boolean

If the user has provided an email address, he receives a message with his password.
If the user's email is not available, the request is notified to the site's admin.
This method is only available in the Professional edition.

Kind: instance method of imPrivateArea
Returns: Boolean - True if the email is sent correctly.

Param Type Description
$data String The user's email or username

getSavedPage() ⇒ Mixed

Return the referer page name (the one which caused the user to land on the login page).

Kind: global function
Returns: Mixed - The name of the page or false if no referer is available.