Scroll Utilities

The X5 Engine API provides you a set of scroll-related utilities.


Provides a set of static methods that may help in managing the scroll-related changes.

.observe(resizeCallback, updateCallback, id) ⇒ void

Adds a new observer. The observer will be updated thru the updateCallback.
The resizeCallback will be called immediately to get the observation rules.
The rules define how to filter updates and call updateCallback only when needed.

Kind: static method of x5engine.utils.scroll

Param Type Description
resizeCallback function Called when the viewport is resized, it must return a bool or a function, il will be used to filter updateCallback calls
updateCallback function Called to send the updated scroll position
id string Optional identifier of the observer. Since: 2022.1.7.0

Since: 2022.1.5.1


function resizeCallback(width, height) {
    // updateCallback will be called starting from when
    // the scroll position reaches the 50% of the page height
    return (scrollPosition) => scrollPosition > height / 2;
function updateCallback(scrollPosition) {
    // Update the page elements by using the scroll position...
// Add the observer with the id 'example'
x5engine.utils.scroll.observe(resizeCallback, updateCallback, 'example');

.unobserve(id) ⇒ void

Removes an observer. The observer with the specified id will be removed.

Kind: static method of x5engine.utils.scroll

Param Type Description
id string Identifier of the observer

Since: 2022.1.7.0


// Remove the observer with the id 'example'


Called when the viewport is resized, it must return a bool or a function, il will be used to filter updateCallback calls.

Kind: callback function for observe method.

Param Type Description
width number Current width of the viewport
height number Current height of the viewport

Since: 2022.1.5.1

Returns: function | boolean - the filter function, will be called with the current scroll position to filter updateCallback calls; when bool is returned, it defines if the updateCallback must be called or not.


Called when the page is scrolled.

Kind: callback function for observe method.

Param Type Description
scrollPosition number Current scroll position of the page

Since: 2022.1.5.1

x5engine.utils.scrollHelper(element) ⇒ object

Provides a set of helper methods that may be used in conjunction with the observe method to handle common behaviors.

Kind: static method

Param Type Description
element Element Optional DOM Element to observe the scroll for

Since: 2022.1.5.1

Returns: object - An object containig different scroll helper methods


// We are going to observe scroll from the 'scroll-observer' element
var element = document.getElementById('scroll-observer');
var helper = x5engine.utils.scrollHelper(element);
// Updates will be triggered when the element
// will be into viewport with a tolerance of 50px
var resizeCallback = helper.inViewport(50);
var updateCallback = helper.objectPercentiageScrolled((perc) => {
    // Element opacity will increase while the element gets scrolled into view = perc / 100;
x5engine.utils.scroll.observe(resizeCallback, updateCallback);

.always() ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain a resizeCallback that always filter the observing element.

Kind: resizeCallback provider
Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function

.inViewport(overflowTop, overflowBottom) ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain a resizeCallback that filter the observing element when it is into the viewport.

Kind: resizeCallback provider

Param Type Description
overflowTop number Optional tolerance on top of the element
overflowBottom number Optional tolerance on bottom of the element

If overflowBottom is not specified, the value of overflowTop will be used instead.

Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function

.focalPoint(callback) ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain an updateCallback that wraps the given callback. The callback will be called with the scroll position of the center of the viewport.

Kind: updateCallback wrapper

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function to be wrapped

Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function

.objectFocalPoint(callback) ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain an updateCallback that wraps the given callback. The callback will be called with the distance between the center of the viewport and the center of the observing element.

Kind: updateCallback wrapper

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function to be wrapped

Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function

.percentiageScrolled(callback) ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain an updateCallback that wraps the given callback. The callback will be called with the percentiage of scrolled page.

Kind: updateCallback wrapper

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function to be wrapped

Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function

.objectPercentiageScrolled(callback) ⇒ function

This function can be called to obtain an updateCallback that wraps the given callback. The callback will be called with the percentiage of object scrolled. The percentiage starts growning when the top of the object scrolls into the viewport and stops when the bottom of the object reaches the bottom of the viewport.

Kind: updateCallback

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function to be wrapped

Since: 2022.1.5.1
Returns: function